Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Online Resource: GradeCam (amazing,...timesaving,...)

Grade Cam

The ultimate goal of any teacher is to find more time for research and less time on grading.  I have found the solution!!!!  This amazing app or online resource can be used to GRADE TESTS AND INPUT THEM INTO YOUR GRADE BOOK INSTANTLY.  That is right,...Instantly!!!!

How it works: 
- Sign up for the free 60 day trial
-Input your classes by typing in students names and numbers or exported Excel files.
-Make your multiple choice test and create the key on the provided scan sheet.
-Print out scan sheet for each students.
-After test is taken, scan your students test.  Instant Grade!
-When done, fit F8 or your hot key and all grades are transferred to your Grade book.  Instant!
-Review and reflect on your grades through visual graphs and charts.

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