Monday, January 20, 2014

Online Resource: PollEv

I know just about everyone knows about the benefits of PollEv, but I thought I would include this post for those of you that have forgot about this easy resource.  What is so great?  You can use pollEv on the computer, phone or ipad!!!!

How it works:  go to and create an account.  Here you can manage and create polls.
Ready to ask questions?  Share your poll by "pushing your poll out".  Students can respond by text or another resource with web access.  It is as easy as having they type in your web address.  The only poll that will show up is the one that YOU push out.
Best part?  Watch they live action as each students response is posted live in front of their eyes!

How do I use it?
-As a clicker system:  Ask simple questions that can be recorded through a multiple choice answer.  You get immediate feedback for prior instructional plans
-As a discussion board:  Students are able to type in answers to questions as simple as "what is your favorite color" to "explain how the poem ________ relates and compares to the song ______".  Students answers can be posted in multiple ways.  Its your choice!

-Immediate teacher feedback
-live feedback for students
-student engagement
-assessment with saved results

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