Sunday, January 5, 2014

App Highlight: Your Teacher

Sometimes I think that the sound of my voice puts my students to sleep,...

Okay, not really, but I remember when I was in school I learned how to tune out my teachers because they talked so much.  In fact, I had one teacher that literally put me to sleep.  Not because he was boring, but because the sound of his voice was so calming.

In my classroom, I like to keep the minds of my students on constant alert.  Although routine is key, the students desire change in instructional practices.  When I tell my students that "I will not be teaching them today", I find that they feel like they are not learning.  How do I "trick them"?  Let me introduce the app, "YourTeacher".  Aligned to common core standards by grade and topic, students are able to view videos explaining the different topics.  After viewing videos, students area able to practice on their own and get help when needed.  How do I make sure students are held responsible for their learning?  Each child is to take the self test at the end of the learning and share their score with me.
A note for this app:  Your Teacher does not replace my instruction.  My students are typically on this app for 15 minutes once a week.  I normally use Your Teacher as an introduction to the topic we are about to explore.
A similar app that I use is Khan Academy.

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