Monday, February 3, 2014

Project Based Learning,...

Project Based Learning
With my one-on-one ipads, project based learning has become the center of my instructional practices.  Instead of looking unit to unit, I am able to group all common ideas together.  For example, in Washington County, I am currently teaching Unit 7, Inequalities.  Instead of isolating this topic, I have combined it with the other topics grouped in common core unit 3.  Because they are all similar, I feel like my students have really benefited by keeping them grouped.

Recently, I presented a Professional development after school about Project Based Learning.  Pictured below is the rubric I am currently using to guide my students through this unit.  As they are working on their culminating assessment, their Glogster, I am working with students in small guided groups to teach essential information.  Students are grouped according to MAP scores or prior assessments.  I love this model because I am able to individualize instruction.  I am able to meet with students in smaller groups to meet their varying ability levels. 

Here is an example of #5.

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