Tuesday, December 10, 2013



I want a way for students to access their notes any where,....introduce,...Evernote.  For my purposes, I set up one Evernote and made a folder for each child to keep their notes in.  Students can keep notes from Type on PDF here, so this will ask as a working portfolio.  
My concerns,...every child has the same login.  So, every child can alter this Evernote.  This may cause a problem in the future,...
So far, so good.  Student each have a folder and have been saving notes here. No issues yet.  Below is a picture of what the main screen looks like.  
I like the idea of Evernote because I can also use this like a live dropbox.  I will be able to access all students work.  Is this an easy way to monitor progress,..maybe?  I also plan on having student turn in certain projects into an "assignment turn in" folder.

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