Sunday, December 8, 2013

Can we fix them?

After an hour of scratching our heads, we figured that in order to make them usable, we needed to delete all the profiles off the Ipads.  Before we deleted the profiles, my Ipads belongs to the 500mathcheckin group.  Why wouldn't this work?  Apparently, when these group Ipads were supervised, it was done on a specific computer.  The ONLY way to change the supervisor, so that I would be able to add apps in bulk to all ipads, is hard wiring EACH Ipad to this said computer, un-supervise each one, and re supervise them on a new computer located in my school.  UGGGG.  Apparently this is an Apple issue. 
 Unless I did not want to use my Ipad this year, I had to delete the profiles off all the Ipads.  What is the problem with this?  Under the last system, certain websites were blocked under airwatch.  I had to physically go into EACH of the 24 Ipads and add all the Apps (but only the free ones, because in order to get the paid ones, I would need to have them be pushed out by this mysterious computer!) and impart RESTRICTIONS so that my students would not be able to download games, listen to music, or go on inappropriate websites.  I also had to update EACH Ipad to iOS7.  After hours of adding apps and adding restrictions, my Ipads were ready to be used.  Honestly, I really didn't mind this time because of the benefits I hoped to receive from the Ipads.  We will see how this goes.....

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