Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 1- H-E-L-P

It is currently 2:19 pm and I am finishing up my first day of I-Pad training. Although I have a vast and plentiful understanding of my I-Pad, I entered a whole new world with class sets. Many questions floated in my head as I grilled my instructor about the logistics of our server and operating systems. As Bill Donahue stated, "technology is great,..when it works". This statement seems like a foreboding omen for what my classroom will hold. Most of the morning was spent trouble-shooting, as not all I-pads were set up the same way. I sat reflecting on this problem, as we navigated through issues, about how I was going to handle similar problems. I do not have this answer right now, but I suppose this is part of the learning process. One of the first, and biggest, obstacles I am to overcome is how to log students in and out of air-watch and air-browser. Students and teachers are to use their own logins to ensure safety. Air-watch allows for certain applications to be blocked on students' I-Pads. Eventually, I will be trained as a limited administer of Air-watch so that I am able to control all I-pads from a common areas. I will eventually be able to push apps out to multiple devises after they are approved. As simple as it sounds, the administrative possibilities are endless and cumbersome. Another issue is that in order to get I-pads that include cost, I need a department to pay for my apps. Who is going to pay for the apps I want? How quickly will I be able to get my apps? I am thrilled to begin the process of integrating the I-Pads into my classroom. Currently, I am anticipating to use them daily for warm-ups to instruction. I want to open class by having students post answers to warm-up questions on Today's Meet. They will find the question by scanning a QR code that is on the desk. To show work, students will use the app, "show me". Several students will display their understanding using air play. This will be the first 10 minutes of class. I love the idea of going paperless! Just these few apps will allow me to minimize the amount of paper and materials needed to accomplish classroom procedures. I can't wait to learn,...even though I feel as if I will need a surplus of Tylenol to get through the beginning phases. Sincerely yours, Confused but Excited

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