Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life happens,...carry a video recorder at ALL times

A few years ago, my principal gifted me a flip camera the first day of school.  I remember sitting in his office and promising him that I would do amazing things.  All he said was, "I know".  Point number one: never underestimate the power of support.  Without my principal, I would have never discovered the shear power of the video recorder in my classroom.  

Since that day, I have carried this flip camera with me every day.  This is actually no joke.  You never know when math will happen in the world around us.  It seems dorky, but I have captured some amazing moments for my students.

  Now I have my Ipad and Iphone, but I am still obsessed with my flip cam.  No matter what you use, the power of recording your life and implementing your videos in your classroom is priceless.  I am including a video that I taped a few days ago.  My students are learning percent of a number and I happened to be shopping at Home Depot.  Through this video, my students were exposed to, not only math in the real world, but my stupidity.  Although I made a huge fool out of myself, I cannot explain the educational value of my experience.  Try it yourself.  Do not be afraid to look stupid.  Take a look, you will see what I mean,...

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